In November, Grandmaster Cooling (Denshi) and Master Ortenzio-Cooling were invited once again to give seminars for Master Bob Kristensen’s Texas Isshinryu Karate Kai.
For the 2019 seminar, Master Ortenzio covered warm-ups and knife self-defense. Grandmaster Cooling explained the Code of the Order of Isshin-Ryu and then gave practical applications for Denshi’s 20. There were over 70 kyu rank and Black Belt students in attendance. Everyone had a great time training together and afterward headed out to dinner. A large group went to Old Town Wine House to listen to Master’s Tina and Tony Palos play jazz.
Master Kristensen has invited Denshi to share with his students for the past 6 years and the seminar usually falls on the weekend of Veterans Day. Grandmaster Cooling and Order of Isshin-Ryu members have always been welcomed and treated like family by the members of the Texas Isshinryu Karate Kai.
The Texas Isshinryu Karate Kai is a fraternal organization with the Order of Isshin-Ryu. Anytime you are traveling in the east Texas area, you are welcome to visit and train in any of their Dojos. Please check with your Sensei before attending, which is the proper protocol in the Order of Isshin-Ryu.
– Master Ortenzio-Cooling, Hachi Dan, Order of Isshin-Ryu